Food Stories
The Food Podcast
A Recipe For Nourishment: queer food, faith and a honeycomb cheesecake with Jennifer E. Crawford

A Recipe For Nourishment: queer food, faith and a honeycomb cheesecake with Jennifer E. Crawford

Today on The Food Podcast, I talk with Jennifer Elizabeth Crawford, a chef, food creative and the host of ‘My Queer Kitchen’ with Xtra Magazine. Jennifer, who identifies as They, has recently moved back to Nova Scotia from Toronto, where they studied political theory and worked as a policy analyst for over a decade. Toronto is also where they struggled with alcoholism and PTSD, it’s where they became sober and where their culinary skills reached artistry levels. And, it’s where they won MasterChefCanada 2019. Today Jennifer is back home in Nova Scotia, living in an old house in the valley, writing a memoir, filming recipe videos with her sweetheart, Logan, and cooking with wild abandon, with dreams of opening a ‘supper and sleep’ culinary outpost on their property. It’s all about learning to heal, day by day, surrounded by pillowy loaves of challah and moon-mist ice cream, on this episode of The Food Podcast.




Mentioned in this episode:

-Xtra Magazine Honey Cheesecake

-Xtra Magazine Comfort Food Cheezies

-The Book of Ruth

-McCain’s Deep ‘n Delicious Cake

-The Center for Addiction and Mental Health

-Final episode of MasterChef 2019

Food Stories
The Food Podcast
The Food Podcast is a show where personal stories are shared through the lens of food. Join host Lindsay Cameron Wilson, a best-selling cookbook author and journalist, as she takes you on an adventure through sound, story, music and memory. Food is the launching point, the portal. Human stories, however, are at the heart of each episode. It's a food and story podcast, if you will, released monthly, after a long simmer, when the flavour it just right.