Mar 23Liked by Lindsay Cameron Wilson

Dear Lindsay, what a lovely essay. As someone who is on the other side of menopause at 70 I can say this too will pass. Self nourishment certainly is the journey but not so easy when we have learned to put ourselves aside. Your meal looks perfect. Barrie

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Mar 23Liked by Lindsay Cameron Wilson

Reading these beautiful words perched by my counter, overlooking the part of the garden I have raked and cleaned. Watching the blue jay chasing the cardinal , finches flitting. The steam heat is humming, making a Toulouse sausage omelette, with grilled asparagus and shaved compte.. a colourful plate inspired by your content.

Embracing and harnessing the softness x

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Mar 23Liked by Lindsay Cameron Wilson

What wistfully beautiful words - they wrap around one. Perhaps like a mulberry silk scarf.

In any case, I want to bake the loaf - I think it would be comforting (without farmed salmon, would have to be wild-caught for me) . Thank you so much, Lindsay.

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Mar 23Liked by Lindsay Cameron Wilson

My favourite post so far. It takes me a while to work out who’s who when I subscribe to a bundle of new authors, but this post will be the marker by which I remember you. I’m living the life you imagine and it is GOOD. Enjoy the journey from now to then, it’s a lovely one. Sending heaps of hugs and best wishes. 🤗🤗😘💕

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Mar 23Liked by Lindsay Cameron Wilson

Softness. Ahhhh.....(shhh)

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Love having you in my corner Barrie, thank you!

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