A large batch of carrot ginger soup here🧡, based off your recipe.

A few tender vids that squeeze my heart on my phone as well..😭♥️love

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Actively filming tiny vids of the guy now, age 15. not quite the same but still tender! xo

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I like this recipe but I love the story of your son. Thanks for the smile while I get ready to face the day.

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Thank you Betty!

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Love the sound of that soup. It looks heavenly. Husband and self have been having soup every night for a month now and roasted or grilled veg and hamloumi for lunch. Not sure why but we do feel better without masses of bread and sugar. Meat is almost non-existent.

I have lost two phones down the toilet and one off the kayak. But I could never transfer info and set it up - I'm a total luddite. It gets passed to our very special Apple nerd.

Well done you for accomplishing it. Can you save to the cloud for the future?

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Even the cloud failed me Prue! But I am on a mission to restore (faith). And yes to less bread and sugar... it's the goal. We're settling into winter here so it's a natural pull. But a lazy one. Wish me luck!

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Oh I feel this so much. Last week during a client shoot my external hard drive died. Literally between shots. I pivoted and completed the job. I'd been working like a renegade gambler for a few years with only one sporadic back up. It's when I returned home that I realised my last back up wasn't Terribly long ago and important work was retained except for my son's recent visit home with his girl who he'd brought to meet us. Lots of treasured moments captured that can't be replaced. Needless to say I'm off to a data recovery service next week to retrieve the moments.....and rethink my work flow🤦🏻‍♀️

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Ah yes, it's all about the work flow and rethinking! I too feel like a renegade gambler! That's exactly it. A memoir title, really :) This has sparked my desire to sort myself out. Now or never...

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I'm impressed that you have no stories of phones swimming in the loo, and oh, I am so sorry for the loss of those precious videos. Good thinking to get it down here. May I also suggest that you write it in a journal, or write it on stationary, and give it to your young man?

Long before cell phones were ubiquitous, and I still wrote letters to my mother, I captured much of my younger daughter's escapades on those pages. All the fire and zest of the wild second child went into my bi-monthly updates. Life was so busy then that I didn't do a good job of capturing all of that in her baby book and counted on those letters (which I knew my mother saved) as a record. Wouldn't you know that of all the letters saved, a collection is missing from those same years. :sigh:

Soup makes everything a little less difficult. Thank you, Lindsay.

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My sister once had a t-shirt that said, soup ruined my life. That's a whole other story, but of course it was said in jest. It saves moments, it saves lives!

I don't have a phone in the loo story, but two airpods have fallen from my ears (the only part of my body that seems to be losing weight) and gone straight down the drain. Fortunately I know how to get under there and rescue!

also.. I just found an old diary from when I was 21, with the most colourful descriptions of the day to day. Words really can do the trick. I'm thankful for that.


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Yes. To all of this. Even the AirPods down the drain and especially to your ability to retrieve them!

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The world has changed so much since our youth. We never had videos then, just memories. I’m glad you’ve written this beautiful memory down, as it will help keep things fresh in your mind. And Prue is right, Dropbox and iCloud are very handy places for backing up our precious collections. Yummy sounding soup too. Hugs from afar.

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Received the hug! And am booked in again at the apple store 😂

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