Jun 22Liked by Lindsay Cameron Wilson

I worked in a studio owned by a French chef and stylist recently. She would leave us to our work for the day in her superbly equipped kitchen creating for a baking book. With delicious artisan bread on the shelf after being shot we all developed a hankering for toast but couldn’t find the toaster. A quick call to said chef and an appliance we’d overlooked, because none of us recognized it, was located….a moulinex manual toaster. A few burnt slices later and a few photo chefs having learnt the art of slowing down and toast meditation we inhaled the most perfectly browned toast we’d ever eaten.

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ah Sally if we could only all learn the art of slowing down and toast meditation! It would taste all the better. What a memory ❤️

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Jun 22Liked by Lindsay Cameron Wilson

I was raised with an old drop-sided toaster. You always had to watch them, but the toast was wonderful.

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It's an exercise in watching, just like painting!

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Jun 22Liked by Lindsay Cameron Wilson

This has brought back so many childhood toast memories in waves, Lindsay. I can smell it as I close my eyes and hear that scrape of butter on well toasted bread. My Grandmothers had an oven toaster, and my brother and I would delight in opening up the little door. It was such a treat! Thank you for brining these memories to the forefront of my mind. Xx

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Toast, as it turns out, is so rich in memories! I didn't mention the broiler we have at our cottage, a drawer in the bottom of our gas oven. We make toast in that drawer (MUST SET A TIMER!) because our cheap little toaster from the hardware store up the street spontaneously caught on fire one lazy morning. So much drama!

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Oh no! And oh yes! You’ve now made me recall our griller at my first family home, which we affectionately named “the gorilla” we would watch our square white toast slices like hawks, marveling at the changing colours. I can even remember the sound the tray would make as we slid it out. 🧡

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Jun 23Liked by Lindsay Cameron Wilson

This, if I'm not mistaken, was my childhood toaster. https://www.ebay.com/itm/384946907225

I had to go looking for an image of a vintage Moulinex. Not sure I've ever had the privilege of an introduction to such a lovely device. Thank you for a post that called in so many lovely memories.

Now I want toast. :)

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oh I think someone in my family had your toaster! so round and probably so modern at the time. I love all these toast memories :)

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Who would have thought something as simple as toast would be so inspiring? Well, obviously, YOU did! 😊

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Jun 22Liked by Lindsay Cameron Wilson

Toast . Thank you Lindsay the aroma is comfort, expensive, elaborate or plain. The scent of fire and wheat.

Your Dualit should serve you well. My last one lasted a whole family Lifetime of breakfast, lunch, teenage midnight snacks, burnt currents , tea cakes, scrapes of marmite and cheese oozing

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ah the scent of fire and wheat. Such love! Thanks for your memories too, I love how similar we all are, except of course for the marmite. swap in jam and peanut butter over here :)

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